Memorial Day on Wyoming Avenue

Memorial Day on Wyoming Avenue

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Incident at Hollenback Cemetery

To all who visit:
You know the basic drift of this blog; documenting the history of my father's side of our heritage, mostly with scanned photos and newspaper clippings, etc.
Suffice it to say I'm still trying to wrap my head around an incident that happened yesterday while visiting the Hollenback Cemetery in Wilkes-Barre, PA.

As I rounded a corner on one of the many roads weaving through one of the back/lower sections of the cemetery, I was damn-near blinded by what you see in the two pics below taken from inside my CRV. They may not fully do justice to how bright that light truly was.

 I can't tell you all the things that were running through my mind as I got closer to the light, which turned out to be sunlight hitting a polished granite grave marker ( Inscription: FATHER ) at the absolute perfect angle to bounce right into my eyes at the exact moment in time I was turning the corner ( in that section ) for the very first time on June 21st, 2014.  

That's my rational explanation, anyway.

As I got closer, the hair stood up on the back of my neck and I felt my ears tingling when I was finally able to read the tombstone. And it wasn't caused by sunburn from being on the Susquehanna for several hours.
And for the record: The photos above were not enhanced/altered in any way.
For those familiar with Hollenback Cemetery, there are thousands of markers there.
I simply wonder: Why at that exact time and at that exact place?
Go figure...